Ansible Best Practices: Elevate Your Automation Game

Automation with Ansible is a powerful way to manage infrastructure, deploy applications, and streamline operations. Explore a set of best practices that will help you make the most of Ansible for your automation needs.

Ansible Best Practices: Elevate Your Automation Game
Photo by Possessed Photography / Unsplash

Automation with Ansible is a powerful way to manage infrastructure, deploy applications, and streamline operations.

To ensure your Ansible playbooks are efficient, maintainable, and robust, it's essential to follow best practices.
In this tutorial, we'll explore a set of best practices that will help you make the most of Ansible for your automation needs.


  • Basic knowledge of Ansible.
  • Ansible installed on your local machine or a control node.
  • Access to remote servers or nodes where you intend to run Ansible playbooks.

Organize Playbooks with Roles

Best Practice: Organize your automation code using roles.

Roles provide a structured way to group related tasks, variables, and files. They make your code more modular, reusable, and easier to maintain.

├── roles/
│   ├── webserver/
│   │   ├── tasks/
│   │   ├── handlers/
│   │   ├── templates/
│   │   └── defaults/
│   ├── database/
│   └── ...
├── playbooks/
│   ├── main.yml
│   └── ...

Use Descriptive Names and Comments

Best Practice: Use clear and descriptive names for tasks, variables, and playbooks. Include comments for complex or critical tasks.

Descriptive naming and comments make your code more understandable and maintainable, especially when others work with your automation code.

- name: Install Apache web server
    name: apache2
  # Ensure Apache is installed on all web servers.

Keep Secrets Secure with Ansible-Vault

Best Practice: Use Ansible-Vault to encrypt sensitive data like passwords and API keys in your playbooks.

Ansible-Vault ensures that sensitive information is securely stored and can be decrypted only by authorized users with the vault password.

ansible-vault encrypt_string 'my_secret_password' --name 'db_password'

Parameterize Playbooks with Variables

Best Practice: Use variables to parameterize your playbooks.

Variables allow you to make your playbooks more flexible and reusable. You can define variables in inventory, group_vars, or host_vars files.

- name: Install the required package
    name: "{{ package_name }}"

Test Your Playbooks

Best Practice: Implement testing for your Ansible code using tools like Molecule or Ansible's built-in testing framework.

Testing helps you identify issues and ensures that your playbooks work as expected before deploying them to production.

Role Dependencies

Best Practice: Declare role dependencies in your meta/main.yml files.

Explicitly specifying role dependencies makes it clear what roles are required for a playbook, making your code more understandable and maintainable.

Example (meta/main.yml):

  - { role: common, some_var: 42 }
  - { role: database, db_name: mydb }

Use Tags for Task Selection

Best Practice: Use task tags to selectively run specific tasks in a playbook.

Tags make it easier to execute only the necessary tasks, especially in large playbooks with multiple roles.

- name: Ensure Apache is installed
    name: apache2
    - webserver


By following these Ansible best practices, you can write clean, maintainable, and efficient automation code.

Ansible's flexibility and power become even more valuable when you structure your playbooks and roles with these best practices in mind.

Elevate your automation game and streamline your infrastructure management and application deployments with Ansible!