Incident Postmortems: How to Learn and Improve

Incident Postmortems: How to Learn and Improve
Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

Incident postmortems are critical for organizations striving to enhance operational resilience and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement. By thoroughly analyzing incidents, companies can identify root causes, learn valuable lessons, and implement preventive measures.

This article explores the importance of incident postmortems, provides insights from recent real-world cases, and offers practical steps for conducting effective postmortems.

Understanding Incident Postmortems

An incident postmortem is a structured process for analyzing what happened during an incident, why it happened, and how it was addressed. The goal is to identify the root causes, understand the contributing factors, and develop action plans to prevent recurrence. Postmortems are not about assigning blame but about fostering a culture of learning and continuous improvement.

Key Components of an Incident Postmortem

  1. Incident Summary: A detailed account of what happened, including the timeline of events.
  2. Root Cause Analysis: Identification of the primary cause(s) of the incident.
  3. Impact Assessment: Evaluation of the incident's impact on customers, operations, and business.
  4. Response Evaluation: Analysis of how the incident was handled, including what worked well and what didn't.
  5. Action Items: Specific steps to prevent similar incidents in the future, including process improvements and training needs.

Learning from Recent Real-World Cases

Atlassian: Continuous Learning from Outages

In October 2022, Atlassian experienced a significant outage affecting multiple services, including Jira, Confluence, and Opsgenie. The postmortem revealed that a faulty feature flag rollout caused the incident. Atlassian responded by implementing more rigorous testing for feature flags and enhancing their rollback capabilities.

"Our postmortem process is about understanding the systemic issues and improving our processes. It's not about blame but about making sure we learn and evolve." — Atlassian Incident Management Team

Amazon Web Services (AWS): Enhancing Resilience

In December 2021, AWS suffered a major outage that impacted numerous online services and businesses. The postmortem identified issues with their internal network and DNS systems as the root cause. AWS took steps to improve the redundancy of their systems, enhance monitoring, and increase transparency with customers during incidents.

"We take every incident seriously and aim to learn from each one to improve our services. Our postmortems are critical in understanding what went wrong and how we can prevent similar issues in the future." — AWS Incident Response Team

Microsoft Azure: Improving Response Times

In April 2022, Microsoft Azure faced a substantial outage due to a cooling issue in one of their data centers, which led to server overheating and shutdowns. The postmortem highlighted the need for better environmental monitoring and quicker failover mechanisms. Microsoft implemented changes to their data center infrastructure and improved their incident response protocols.

"Postmortems help us dive deep into incidents and uncover areas for improvement. They are essential for refining our processes and ensuring we provide reliable services to our customers." — Microsoft Azure Operations Team

Steps to Conduct Effective Postmortems

  1. Create a Safe Environment: Encourage open and honest communication by fostering a blameless culture.
  2. Document the Incident: Provide a detailed timeline of events, including what happened, when it happened, and who was involved.
  3. Identify Root Causes: Use techniques like the "5 Whys" or fishbone diagrams to uncover the underlying causes.
  4. Evaluate the Response: Analyze the effectiveness of the incident response, highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement.
  5. Develop Action Items: Formulate specific, actionable steps to address the identified issues and prevent future incidents.
  6. Share Findings: Communicate the postmortem results across the organization to ensure everyone learns from the incident.
  7. Follow Up: Monitor the implementation of action items and review their effectiveness in subsequent postmortems.


Incident postmortems are invaluable tools for learning and improvement. By examining incidents in a structured and blameless manner, organizations can uncover hidden vulnerabilities, enhance their systems and processes, and ultimately build more resilient operations.

As demonstrated by companies like Atlassian, AWS, and Microsoft, the key to successful postmortems lies in creating a culture of continuous learning and collaboration.


  1. Atlassian Incident Management Blog: Lessons Learned from October 2022 Outage
  2. AWS Status Page: December 2021 AWS Outage Postmortem
  3. Microsoft Azure Blog: April 2022 Data Center Cooling Issue Postmortem