Obtaining a Multi-Level Wildcard Let's Encrypt Certificate and Storing it in AWS Secrets Manager

Obtaining a Multi-Level Wildcard Let's Encrypt Certificate and Storing it in AWS Secrets Manager
Photo by Shahadat Rahman / Unsplash

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of obtaining a multi-level wildcard Let's Encrypt certificate and storing it in AWS Secrets Manager.

We'll also use Ansible to deploy an Nginx web server and retrieve the SSL/TLS keys from Secrets Manager to secure the web server.

Step 1: Obtain a Multi-Level Wildcard Let's Encrypt Certificate

We'll use Certbot to obtain a multi-level wildcard certificate for your domain. Certbot's DNS challenge method is suitable for wildcard certificates.

sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d "*.yourdomain.com" -d "yourdomain.com"

Follow the prompts to complete the DNS challenge verification. Certbot will provide you with the certificate and key files.

Step 2: Store the Certificate and Key in AWS Secrets Manager

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Open the AWS Secrets Manager service.
  3. Click on "Store a new secret."
  4. Choose "Other type of secrets."
  5. For "Key/value pairs," provide the following:
    • Key: certificate
    • Value: The content of the fullchain.pem file generated by Certbot.
    • Key: private_key
    • Value: The content of the privkey.pem file generated by Certbot.
  6. Click "Next" and give your secret a name and description.
  7. Configure the rotation policy as per your organization's security policy or leave it disabled for manual rotation.
  8. Review and store the secret.
How to use AWS Secrets Manager for managing credentials | by Manpreet Singh  Minhas | Towards Data Science
Screenshot of AWS Secret Manager

Step 3: Deploy Nginx using Ansible

Assuming you have Ansible configured for your environment, create an Ansible playbook to deploy Nginx and retrieve the SSL/TLS keys from AWS Secrets Manager.

- name: Deploy Nginx with SSL/TLS
  hosts: your_webserver
  become: yes
    - name: Install Nginx
        name: nginx
        state: present
        - Start Nginx

    - name: Copy SSL/TLS certificate and private key from AWS Secrets Manager
        name: your-secrets-manager-secret-name
      register: secrets_manager

    - name: Create SSL/TLS certificate file
        content: "{{ secrets_manager['SecretString'] | from_json | json_query('certificate') }}"
        dest: /etc/ssl/certs/yourdomain.com.crt
        - Restart Nginx

    - name: Create SSL/TLS private key file
        content: "{{ secrets_manager['SecretString'] | from_json | json_query('private_key') }}"
        dest: /etc/ssl/private/yourdomain.com.key
        - Restart Nginx

    - name: Start Nginx
        name: nginx
        state: started

    - name: Restart Nginx
        name: nginx
        state: restarted

Make sure to replace your_webserver with the hostname of your server in the Ansible inventory file and your-secrets-manager-secret-name with the actual name of the secret stored in AWS Secrets Manager.

Step 4: Run the Ansible Playbook

Run the Ansible playbook to deploy Nginx and configure it with the SSL/TLS certificate and private key:

ansible-playbook nginx_deploy.yml

Nginx will be installed and configured with the SSL/TLS certificate and private key retrieved from AWS Secrets Manager.

Congratulations! You've obtained a multi-level wildcard Let's Encrypt certificate, stored it in AWS Secrets Manager, and deployed an Nginx web server secured with the SSL/TLS certificate using Ansible.