Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up a Polkadot Validator Node for Network Security and Staking Rewards with ansbile and systemd

Setting up a Substrate Polkadot validator node using Ansible and systemd is an efficient way to automate the deployment and management of your validator node.

Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up a Polkadot Validator Node for Network Security and Staking Rewards with ansbile and systemd

Setting up a Substrate Polkadot validator node using Ansible and systemd is an efficient way to automate the deployment and management of your validator node. Ansible allows you to define the desired state of your infrastructure and execute tasks across multiple servers. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of installing a Polkadot validator node using Ansible and systemd.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. A local machine or control node with Ansible installed.
  2. Remote servers or VPS instances where you want to deploy the validator node.
  3. SSH access to the remote servers with passwordless sudo privileges.
  4. A basic understanding of Ansible.

Step 1: Set Up Ansible on Your Local Machine

  1. Install Ansible on your local machine if you haven't already
  2. Create an Ansible inventory file (hosts.ini) that lists the IP addresses or hostnames of your remote servers
validator1 ansible_host=validator1_ip_address
validator2 ansible_host=validator2_ip_address
# Add more servers as needed

Step 2: Create an Ansible Playbook

An Ansible playbook is a YAML file that defines the tasks you want to automate. Create a playbook file (e.g., deploy_validator.yml) with the following content:

- hosts: validators
  become: yes
    - name: Update system packages
        update_cache: yes
        - common

    - name: Install required packages
        name: "{{ item }}"
        state: present
        - git
        - curl
        - build-essential
        - cmake
        - clang
        - libssl-dev
        - common

    - name: Install Rust
      shell: >
        curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y
        executable: /bin/bash
        RUSTUP_HOME: /opt/rustup
        CARGO_HOME: /opt/cargo
        - rust

    - name: Add Rust to PATH
        path: "{{ item }}"
        line: 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/cargo/bin:/opt/rustup/bin'
        insertafter: EOF
        - /etc/profile
        - /home/{{ ansible_user }}/.bashrc
        - rust

    - name: Clone Polkadot repository
        dest: /opt/polkadot
        version: master
        force: yes
        - polkadot

    - name: Build the Validator Node
      command: >
        /opt/cargo/bin/cargo build --release --features=validator
        chdir: /opt/polkadot
        - polkadot

    - name: Create Validator Configuration
        src: validator-config.json.j2
        dest: /opt/polkadot/validator-config.json
        - polkadot

    - name: Create systemd service unit file
        src: polkadot-validator.service.j2
        dest: /etc/systemd/system/polkadot-validator.service
      notify: Reload systemd
        - systemd

    - name: Start and enable Polkadot validator service
        name: polkadot-validator
        state: started
        enabled: yes
        - systemd

Step 3: Create Template Files

Create two template files, one for the Polkadot validator configuration (validator-config.json.j2) and one for the systemd service unit (polkadot-validator.service.j2). Here's an example template for validator-config.json.j2:

  "chain": "polkadot",
  "validator": true,
  "key": "your_validator_key",
  "validator-name": "YourValidatorName",
  "validator-payment-dest": "your_payment_address",
  "validator-stash": "your_stash_address",
  "rpc-cors": "all",
  "rpc-external": true,
  "rpc-port": 9933,
  "ws-external": true,
  "ws-port": 9944,
  "ws-allow-origin": "all",
  "rpc-methods": "Unsafe",
  "rpc-threads": 4,
  "rpc-server": true,
  "name": "YourValidatorName",
  "execution": "Native",
  "db": "RocksDb"

And here's an example template for polkadot-validator.service.j2:

Description=Polkadot Validator Node

ExecStart=/opt/polkadot/target/release/polkadot \
  --chain polkadot \
  --validator \
  --key your_validator_key \
  --validator-name "YourValidatorName" \
  --validator-payment-dest your_payment_address \
  --validator-stash your_stash_address \
  --rpc-cors all \
  --rpc-external \
  --rpc-port 9933 \
  --ws-external \
  --ws-port 9944 \
  --ws-allow-origin all \
  --rpc-methods Unsafe \
  --rpc-threads 4 \
  --rpc-server \
  --name YourValidatorName \
  --execution Native \
  --db RocksDb
User={{ ansible_user }}
Group={{ ansible_user }}


Step 4: Run the Ansible Playbook

Run the Ansible playbook on your local machine to deploy the Polkadot validator nodes on your remote servers:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini deploy_validator.yml

Ansible will execute the defined tasks on each server listed in the inventory file, automating the installation and configuration process.

Step 5: Monitor Your Validator Node (Optional)

You can use monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana to keep track of your validator's performance and status.

Step 6: Bond Tokens (Optional)

To become an active validator, you need to bond a certain amount of DOT tokens. This is done through the Polkadot governance interface or by transferring tokens to your validator's account.

Step 7: Register Your Validator (Optional)

To officially become a validator on the Polkadot network, you'll need to register your validator using the governance process.

Congratulations! You've successfully automated the deployment of a Substrate Polkadot validator node using Ansible and systems.

This setup ensures that your validator nodes run continuously and automatically recover from failures or server reboots.