Tips and Hacks for Drone CI: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Tips and Hacks for Drone CI: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Drone CI is an open-source continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that enables developers to automate the building, testing, and deployment of their applications.

While Drone CI offers an intuitive interface and straightforward configuration, there are many tips and hacks that can help you get the most out of this powerful tool. In this tutorial, we'll explore some advanced tips and tricks to enhance your Drone CI experience.


Before diving into the tips and hacks, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • A working installation of Drone CI.
  • Familiarity with basic Drone CI concepts, such as pipelines, steps, and plugins.

Tip 1: Conditional Pipeline Execution

You can set up conditional execution of pipeline steps using environment variables. For example, you may want to run certain steps only when a specific branch is pushed. Here's how to do it:

kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: default

  - name: build
    image: golang
      - go build
        exclude: [feature/*]

  - name: deploy
    image: alpine
      - echo "Deploying..."
        include: [release/*]

In this example, the build step will only execute when the branch does not match any feature/* pattern, while the deploy step will only execute when the branch matches a release/* pattern.

Tip 2: Parallel Steps

Drone CI allows you to run steps in parallel, which can significantly speed up your builds. Use the depends_on attribute to specify which steps can run concurrently. Here's an example:

kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: default

  - name: test
    image: node
      - npm test

  - name: build
    image: node
      - npm build

  - name: deploy
    image: alpine
      - echo "Deploying..."
      - test
      - build

In this configuration, the test and build steps can run in parallel before the deploy step begins.

Hack 1: Secrets Management

To securely store sensitive data such as API keys and passwords, use Drone CI's secrets management feature.

Define secrets in your repository settings, and then reference them in your pipeline configuration:

kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: default

  - source: my_secret
    target: MY_SECRET

  - name: deploy
    image: alpine
      - echo "Deploying with secret: $MY_SECRET"

This ensures that sensitive information is not exposed in your repository configuration.

Hack 2: Custom Plugins

Drone CI allows you to create and use custom plugins to extend its functionality. You can write custom plugins in Go, Python, or any language that supports HTTP.

For example, you can create a custom plugin to interact with a unique deployment platform or perform a specialized task.

Hack 3: Caching

To speed up your builds further, consider using the caching feature to store dependencies between pipeline runs.

For example, you can cache your Node.js node_modules directory to avoid downloading dependencies on every build.

kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: default

  - name: cache
    image: alpine
      - mkdir -p /root/.cache
      - /root/.cache

By adding a cache step like the one above, you can cache directories and files that you want to persist between builds.

Hack 4: Self-hosted Runners

Drone CI supports self-hosted runners, allowing you to use your own infrastructure for running build jobs. This is useful for handling complex or resource-intensive builds.


Drone CI is a versatile CI/CD platform that offers a range of features and extensibility options. By mastering these tips and hacks, you can optimize your CI/CD pipelines, improve security, and tailor your builds to your specific needs.

Explore the Drone CI documentation and community resources for further insights and best practices, and unlock the full potential of your continuous integration and continuous delivery processes.